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Order Questions

You can contact us by using the form on our Contact Page or by sending an email to help@greenandglowstudio.com


We offer free ground shipping on orders over $100.

No. Each order includes shipping for one address. To ship items to more than one address you will need to place separate orders.

At checkout you can choose ground or expedited shipping services. Our current processing time is listed on the top banner of the homepage.

  • Ground shipping includes USPS ground advantage or UPS ground. Estimated delivery time is 3-5 business days plus the current processing time.
  • Expedited shipping includes UPS 3 day, 2 day or next day air. Estimated delivery time does not include processing time.

  • We are only able to provide an estimate from the carrier for shipping and cannot guarantee any delivery dates. For faster shipping please select an expedited UPS method at checkout.

    When your order ships you will receive an email with the tracking number. Please follow the link to USPS or UPS to track your package.

    If your order is still processing and you have not received a shipping notification, you can contact us at help@green@andglowstudio.com to request an address change. Please include your order number and the desired address change. If your order has already shipped, we will not be able to accomodate an address change. All orders returned to sender because of an incorrect address will require a new shipping label purchase before reshipping.

    Make sure you check your mailboxes or any entrances around your delivery location. Check with any housemates or neighbors to see if your package was delivered there by accident. If you still are unable to locate the delivery, please contact us at help@greenandglowstudio.com. Please note that you are responsible for providing a safe location for delivery. We can work with you to locate the package through the carrier. If you are concerned about potential mail theft, you need to purchase signature confirmation during checkout.

    Returns & Cancellations

    If you need to cancel an order please contact us within 2 hours of placing the order. If you order has already been assembled or shipped, we will not be able to cancel the order.

    We accept returns on all unused or unopened products. Please contact us within 14 days of receiving your order at help@greenandglowstudio.com. We do not accept partial returns on curated or build a box items. If you need to return a gift box, you will need to request a return for the entire box. To return an item, you need to request a return before you send back any items. Forced returns or return to senders will be subject to a restock penalty of 20%.

    We do not accept exchanges at this time.

    Wholesale & Buying Program

    Yes, we do offer discounts for wholesale orders. Wholesale refers to a single purchase/shipment of 30 or more products. Please contact us at wholesale@greenandglowstudio.com for more information.

    We are currently interested in buying products from small, handmade businesses. Please contact us for more information at wholesale@greenandglowstudio.com.

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